Happy Thanksgiving Newgrounds friends!
It has been great to get back into making music this year. I always went on Newgrounds as a middle schooler back in 2001/3. Good memories of stick figure death and dating sims haha.
I’d like to tell a bit about myself. I started my musical career as a drummer. I’ve been drumming for about 20 years. Among lessons and constant practice I was able to play in bands. My main genre was metal. It allowed me to be the most intricate and intense while playing. As a teen I had a guitar and piano. I was very fortunate to be surrounded by friends who were also aspiring musicians. They wrote songs and really were the first inspiration to be more than a drummer. After highschool I started making beats and writing pop rock songs. They’re awful and great at the same time. I found out I can not sing for sh*t! :’(. Time goes by and I play shows, record, tour, give drum lessons, studio sessions, fill in drummer, etc.
Around 2018 things became very complicated in my life. I took a step back from drumming and music all together. It had been a rough journey. I moved to California in June and I’m creating new memories. There is so much to be grateful for with the world burning before our eyes. Safe travels and tell your loved ones how much they mean to you.
More music coming soon!
Also this movie.. 😂
happy thankspwning <3